GIF Gallery 02

︎︎︎  A Delicate balance between intelligent
    storytelling and unapologetic stupidity


The world’s longest crocodile. It only needs to take a dump every two full moons.

Unboxing an e-book

A buying experience that does not involve boxes and plastic? Here's some digital bubblewrap for you.

Two Dogs.
A Conversation.

If you’ve ever wanted to have a conversation as a dog, here’s your chance to roleplay. Swipe back & forth between the two panels. (Designed specifically for instagram) 

Traffic Tetris

It's surprising that the best part about Bangalore is the every day commute.

You probably think I'm kidding.

I am.

Weird Flex but OK

Is this not how abs work?


If you’re wondering how 2020’s been. It takes a little time, but you’ll get it.

Much like COVID-19.